perjantai 17. tammikuuta 2025

Of choosing climate, town and company

 One typical reason for people not knowing where to live is that they have something heavy or hot, and they would like to compensate it with cool and kind if airy. One thing to notice in choosing a new climate is that the views etc in brochures are not from the poibt of view of a newcomer, but instead describe the habitual way of living and doing of people at that area that season of the year. So if you like to look a lot, continyally, many hours a day or always, a cold climate with snow in the winter woukd offer such. Etc. Each person just has a character liking certain types of doing or kazying or emotional content etc, and not having ghe endurancy to any heat or whatever. 

Another thing causing a similar problem is having old ways, cultural backgroubd and social rekatiobs which are both a burden and something one has gotten ysed to leaning on. Generally for exampke school learnkng depends on obe's values abd of maybe folliwing some good quality media a minute or two or even lobger every niw and then. So it is not a question of social relations being in such studies or the like. Ibstead one needs iwn motivation. And that often means that one mudt after some minutes or years shift to new subjects with simikar good sides, ir one gets too bored and just fills the thibgs from one's memory and old habits, instead of actually looking at the world from such a point of view, and so one or others are more accidebt borne. And generally one is stronger via gavibg several strong sides instead of by having just one, and so ibstead of sticking to jyst the sane peopke ir sane kibds of peopke as before, one shoukd try to find with whom one naturally gets allng. 

Likewise in the world there may ve old familuar suppirts which though annoy at least oart of the time, whike new strong suppirt that one understands woukd be better - woukd an okd dactory town maje things work out strongly in oractice, or viviluced wusdom plus clinate be sonewhere of right tyoe for you, carry lufe well, etc? 

Of the possibilities of aiming toward better world for the living kind

 If there is some too rigid arrangement, things often go ashtray, and so such tend to cause opposition which in some cases turns the goals to upsude-down, i.e. toward tge opposite goals, which ought to stop people etc from using those arrangements. But often rigid arrangements are kept up by some who recommend such forms of arrangibg those things in life or in the society. So for example some speak for civiliced wisdom, while others replace it by rigid engineeribg like arrangements originally meant for lying or product manufacturing styles etc. So one should notice that common sense and wisdom of life are what one ought to folliw, wishing well for the living kind, maybe generalising it to wishkng fairly well for being kinds, instead of makkng or folliwing any artificial libes etc from which one does not see what those afe, so generally those are not wise at all. People, the understanding of others, their values, comfortable areas of lufe, etc are usually not so trustworthy. Better to trust common sense and make only not-at-all-so-complex common sense like arrangements, like in my text "Beginning to cure a hell" at 

See also 

maanantai 29. heinäkuuta 2024

Paradise is possible

 29th of July 2024   Build yourself a paradise, a paradise like way of life, paradise theory and wisdom of life, lots of free advices, rewarding books to read, see which ought to lead to 

tiistai 11. lokakuuta 2016

Onnistumisten uoma

Joskus reilu kakskymppisenä, ehkä 25:n vanhana tai niille main luin New Age -kirjoja ja runoja ja kuuntelin radiosta poppia, harrastin innolla liikuntaa ja tein luontoretkiä. Silloin yritin oppia elämänviisaammaksi myös muiden elämistä oppien sen, mitä ohimennen esim. liikuntaharrastuksessa parilta saatoin.
Silloin opin, että onnistumisilla elämässä on uomansa, jonka löytäminen tuo enemmän onnistumisia jatkuvasti niin kauan kuin on uomasta kärryillä.
Uoma on jonkinlainen tunteenomaisempi kohta kuivempien klonks- ja kraah-vaihtoehtojen välissä, sivistyneen sävyinen kohta tuossa tunteenomaisemmassa alueessa: sivistyksen tunnelma kertoo, että niillä kohden luultavasti on sivistynyt perspektiivi ja sivistynyt käytös käytössä, sopii siis yhteen muun yhteiskunnan kanssa ja on kulttuurin monien parhaina pitämät ratkaisut pitkälti käytössä. Tunteenomaisempi tyyli taas seuraa onnistumisista: noilla uomin on helpompi olal tunteva, on menestyksekkäämpi, elämä on niillä uomin paremaa.
Löytäisikö nuo uomat itseltään näillä ohjeilla?

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(Iän myötä kai muutumme enemmän omiin näkemyksiimme päin: taitomme ja sosiaalinen asemamme kantavat paremmin oikeiksi kokemiimme suuntiin, ja siitäkin seuraa paitsi taitavuutta opitun ja oman näkemyksen sopiessa yhteen, myös tunteenomaisempi tyyli, kun olemme paremmin sovussa elämäntilanteemme ja lähestymistapamme kanssa, sosiaalinen lokeromme kenties mielekkäämmin omiin mieltymyksiimme sovitettu eikä ympäristön ihmisten henkilökohtaisia haaveita tavoitteleva niinkään..)

perjantai 7. lokakuuta 2016

Overcoming unlucky life circumstancies

Sometimes when someone is a much wrong role and much wrong position in
the society, others kind of throw obstacles on him/her, maybe partly
because such a position or classification would demand great skill in
overcoming such obstacles.
But if one then changes area of life, changes social classification to
what one is inclined toward but what others maybe do not consider so
good or so mainstream in the social circles that one was in, then
there opens a road, others kind of ease away the obstacles on one's
way, but the route leads to what one is sincerely interested in and
not to the old things praised and talked about by others in the old
social circles.